Getting Started

4 min read

Thanks for checking out my blog template. It’s based on the blog I built for my own website and I hope this is a good starting point for you to start yours.

Let’s go over a few quick things:

  • First things first, you should edit the src/lib/info.js file to contain your information. This will properly update the parts of the website that display your name and the SEO tags for your posts.

  • This template is configured to use the static adapter. If you intend to add SSR you will need to change it to something like @sveltejs/adapter-node or your preferred hosting adapter (vercel, netlify, etc).

  • This template was built using @sveltejs/kit@1.0.0-next.218. I’ll keep it updated when I can, but be aware that there things might break since SvelteKit is still in beta.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s learn about how to make posts.

Creating a Post

All of your posts (including this one) are located in /posts. They are written in markdown and parsed with mdsvex. If you’re unfamiliar with mdsvex, I would recommend looking at the website to see what is all possible out of the box.

You can add a new post by creating either a new .md file or a folder with an file:


Make sure your posts have title and date properties in the front matter:

title: My First Post
date: 2021-07-09
preview: This text will be used for the preview instead of the first paragraph 

(your content here)

The preview property is optional, in case you want to customize the preview text. If the property is added, but the text is left empty, the first paragraph is used automatically.

Rendering Posts

Each individual post is rendered at src/routes/posts/[slug].svelte. You’ll notice the load function fetches the post by slug, and then dynamically imports the appropriate .md file.

There are some basic meta tags setup for SEO and social media sharing, including a generated open graph image (courtesy of


Feel free to customize this page as you see fit. I included some nice-to-haves like a table of contents and links to the next and/or previous posts.

Fetching Posts

You should fetch posts by using the /posts.json endpoint in your pages. For anything server-side (such as other endpoints), you can use the getPosts function in $lib/get-posts.js as it will not work on the client (the endpoint is a wrapper over that function).

Why doesn’t getPosts work on the client?

getPosts fetches all posts and adds extra metadata (such as a preview and estimated reading time). In order to parse some of that metadata, it uses server-side only APIs. If you try to use getPosts on the client it will throw an error, advising you to fetch from the endpoint instead.

Hopefully I can find a way to make this function isomorphic. If you have an idea how, please reach out!


Most of the site is themed using tailwind’s typography plugin. You can the configuration for it in tailwind.config.cjs

For code blocks it uses a slightly modified Night Owl theme. You can change the theme by editing src/prism.css, or replacing it with one of the many available themes.

function helloWorld() {
  return 'Hello World'

Mdsvex Plugins

I’ve added some mdsvex plugins to support a few extra things (check out the mdsvex.config.js file).


.mp4 and .webm videos are supported

![my video](/videos/my-cool-video.mp4)

Relative URLs for Images and Videos

The mdsvex-relative-images plugin allows loading images or videos with a relative path. This is particularly nice for grouping images with the post under the same folder.



You can deploy this like you would any other SvelteKit project. I chose to use the static adapter by default so you can npm run build and serve the public folder on your host of choice. Feel free to change the adapter if you want.

That’s it!

I think I’ve covered most of the important stuff. If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems feel free to open an issue.

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Lorem Ipsum

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Et molestie ac feugiat sed lectus. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci. Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet.

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